
How many times have you reliving a memory? Sometimes the perfume's fragrance is like a time machine. Every perfume that I used in some of my travel bring me back to that time. 
I don't have any expensive perfume but they are really good: my favorite one is "Ungaro"; I brought it with me at Santo Domingo. I really couldn't stop to spray it on me because it's really addictive; just the essence it's like a deja vu.
Another that I love it's "Ari by Ariana Grande": I was surprised when I heard that Ariana was going to have her first perfume and just like a huge fan of her that I am I thought, "I need it,I'm curious about it", but I never thought that it could really be so good! If you love girly things and sweets and durable fragrance, I reccomend it.
"Cheri" it's my beautiful Grandma's present, this perfume it's from Puerto Rico and it smells like goddess and it has a strong woman essence. 

This are my precious perfume samples, I can't live without them, they are so useful when you travel and if you can't afford expensive fragrance they can really save you :)))
Are you too uncontrollably addict to fragrances? I will definitely talk about new perfumes and new memories, can't wait to have more and more.

XoXo Dennisse 

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