just I can't...

I'm trying really hard to not get involved with them but JUST I CAN'T.
Round metal frames glasses are back and I think for the second part of this year I must buy it!

I remember when I started to wear glasses I couldn't live without it but years later I hated them because sometimes I felt like they were hiding my face, the frames shape was just too boring for me. I didn't pay so much attention about the look they can give to your physical aspect but now I know that the glasses frames need to match with your face otherwise you'll appear a little bit strange when you took them off; I mean glasses change your face appearance.

Baekhyun of Exo looks so fresh, smart and cute at the same time. I saw a lot of idol in Korea and not only wearing them and because I'm really into kpop world I've been affected.

Also my favourite fashion blogger Luanna Perez, lately I see her wearing it.
I don't know how people like her and celebrities that we really like are able to influence our lifes, I'm saying this because they did it to me :)) we just want to seem like them. What do you think about it, are you influenced too? 

XoXo Dennisse

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